Jakarta Public Transportation: A Complete Traveler’s Guide 

By Dini

Jakarta, as the capital city of Indonesia, offers a variety of interesting destinations to visit. However, for foreign tourists, relying on public transportation in this bustling city might seem a bit challenging. Don’t worry! This article will provide a comprehensive guide to the various public transportation options in Jakarta that you can use to explore the city easily and comfortably.

Public Transportation Modes in Jakarta

TransJakarta (busway) 

TransJakarta buses, better known as busways, are the most popular mode of public transport in Jakarta. These buses operate on dedicated lanes, allowing you to avoid the notorious Jakarta traffic. 

With the most number of stops and routes, this mode of public transport is the first choice of Jakarta residents. Ticket prices for riding the busway are very affordable. 

Thanks to the tap-in system with sensors at both the entry and exit points of each bus stop, you only pay once, even if you transfer to another bus. You would need to pay a second fare only if you exit the station.

transjakarta bus
Some of Transjakarta buses operate on dedicated lanes

In addition, there are two types of buses that you can use:

  • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): The backbone of public transportation in Jakarta. Its routes cover a wide area, connecting different parts of the city.
  • Microtrans: Medium-sized buses that serve feeder routes or connect to TransJakarta stations or other key points.

KRL Commuter Line

The electric train, known as the Commuter Line (KRL), is a popular mode of transportation for short distances, especially among workers and students. Its routes connect Jakarta with neighboring cities like Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. The KRL offers a convenient travel option with decent facilities and clean trains, making it a great choice for visiting nearby cities.

The KRL offers a convenient, affordable, and relatively comfortable way to travel. The trains are equipped with air conditioning and are generally clean, providing a pleasant ride, especially during off-peak hours. Stations are well-marked in both Indonesian and English, making navigation easier for international travelers. Ticket prices are also very budget-friendly, ranging from just 3,000 to 6,000 IDR depending on your destination.

Pro Tip: If you’re in Jakarta and plan to travel to Bogor or Bekasi, it’s best to take the train in the morning and return in the afternoon to avoid the peak passenger congestion.

krl commuter jakarta
KRL Commuter Line

Jakarta MRT

The MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) is a modern, mostly underground train that offers a fast, efficient, and comfortable way to travel through Jakarta. This relatively new public transport system has quickly become popular, especially among the middle and upper-middle class, thanks to its convenience and reliability.

The MRT currently runs along two major lines: the North-South Line (Phase 1) connecting Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI, with more lines being developed to expand its reach across the city. It is well-integrated with other modes of public transport, including the TransJakarta buses, KRL Commuter Line, and even ride-hailing services, making it easy to navigate through Jakarta without the need for a car.

mrt jakarta

Jakarta LRT

The Jakarta LRT (Light Rail Transit) is another modern public transportation option, similar to the MRT but designed for shorter, more localized routes. It primarily serves Central and East Jakarta, with elevated tracks offering a smooth, scenic ride above the bustling city streets. While not as crowded as the MRT or KRL, the LRT is gaining popularity, especially for those commuting between these areas.

Currently, the LRT operates on a single line connecting several key points, including Pegangsaan Dua and Velodrome, with plans to expand in the future.

jakarta lrt
LRT runs on elevated tracks

Tips for Using Public Transportation in Jakarta

When you choose to use public transportation to explore Jakarta, here are some tips you can follow:

  • Download the App: Use apps like JakLingko or each transportation mode’s app to check schedules, routes, and fares.
  • Check Google Maps: If you prefer not to download any apps, you can find most public transportation information on Google Maps, including routes, line numbers, and schedules. However, keep in mind that this information isn’t always 100% reliable.
  • Be Aware of Peak Hours: Avoid traveling during peak hours (morning and evening) to avoid crowded conditions.
  • Ask Locals: Don’t hesitate to ask locals if you feel confused or have trouble finding the right route. 

How to Pay for Public Transportation in Jakarta

Generally speaking, cash payments aren’t accepted on public transportation in Jakarta, except for bajaj and angkots. To ride buses, trains, or other transit systems, you’ll need to purchase an electronic card. The most common options are multi-trip cards, which are essential for a smooth experience when navigating Jakarta’s public transport.

When using public transportation, you’ll need to tap your card at both the entrance and exit points to ensure the correct fare is deducted based on your journey.

bajaj in jakarta
Bajaj is one of the few public transportation options that can still be paid for with cash


We’ve dedicated a whole article to explaining differences among Jakarta’s payment cards, as the differences can sometimes be a bit confusing. However, for tourists, we highly recommend using the JakCard. Not only does it function as a convenient payment card for public transportation—covering buses, MRT, LRT, and trains—but it also doubles as a tourist pass, making it a versatile option for your trip.

The JakCard can be used at several popular tourist spots in Jakarta, such as Ragunan Zoo, the Wayang Museum, and other cultural or historical sites to cover entrance fees. This means you won’t need to worry about carrying extra cash or purchasing separate tickets for each attraction, which simplifies your travels.

Extra Tip: Enjoy Free Transjakarta Ride

TransJakarta offers sightseeing buses also known as the Jakarta Explorer City Bus, some of which are open-top, for tours around Jakarta, all completely free of charge. However, you will still need a payment card to tap in as a condition of entry.

There are several Bus Tour (BW) routes, each highlighting different tourist destinations. These routes range from exploring historical sites and enjoying local cuisine to city tours, visits to Kota Tua Jakarta, and trips along the north coast of the city. You can find more details about the individual routes here.

The tour buses operate from 10 AM to 5 PM, Tuesday through Sunday, and most tours depart from City Hall or IRTI bus stops (next to Monas), making it easy to catch a bus for any of the Jakarta Explorer City Bus variants.

jakarta public transportation payment system
A JakCard or any other payment card is required even for free city rides

Public Transportation or Taxi?

Opting for public transportation in Jakarta is more than just a budget-friendly choice; it’s an immersive way to experience the city like a local. With its extensive network of buses, trains, and other transit options, you can reach parts of the city that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Riding the LRT, for example, offers panoramic views of Jakarta from above, giving you a fresh perspective on the urban landscape. Plus, navigating the public transit system is a great way to encounter the authentic daily rhythms of Jakarta—something you won’t find in the back of a taxi. So, if you’re looking to save money, avoid traffic, and enjoy a more genuine travel experience, public transportation is the way to go.

Wondering about how safe Jakarta is? Read Safety in Jakarta: A Guide for Travelers

Additional FAQs

What are the main differences between MRT, LRT, and KRL in Jakarta?

The MRT is a modern, underground system mainly used for quick travel within central Jakarta. The LRT is an elevated light rail system with limited routes, and the KRL (Commuter Line) serves the greater Jakarta area, connecting it with neighboring cities.

How can I navigate Jakarta using only public transportation?

Utilize apps like Google Maps, JakLingko, and transportation-specific apps to plan your routes. Most destinations can be reached by combining TransJakarta buses, MRT, LRT, and KRL trains.

Is it safe to use public transportation in Jakarta at night?

Generally, it is safe, especially in well-lit areas and on major routes. However, it’s best to avoid traveling alone late at night, and always be aware of your surroundings.

Are there any language barriers when using public transportation in Jakarta?

Yes, many locals may not speak English. It’s helpful to learn some basic Indonesian phrases or use translation apps to assist you.

About the author
Dini is a true Indonesian with a deep love for exploring her homeland. She lives in the quiet town of Banjarnegara, rich in local wisdom. She believes that the best travel experiences aren’t about visiting the most expensive or famous tourist spots, but about immersing yourself in the culture and creating unforgettable memories. Besides her love for travel, Dini is also passionate about ecology, design, and education.

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